domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

3° Grade Sec VII Science Astronomy Guide December

Profra. ________________________________________ Grupo: ___________________
3° Science & Astronomy Advanced
Sections V, VI, VII
       Guide: Answer the questions with a complete answer.
1.     What determines the color of a star?
2.     Which stars are cold?
3.     Which stars are hot?
4.     What determines a star´s composition?
5.     How do scientists classify stars?
6.     What is apparent magnitude?
7.     What is absolute magnitude?
8.     What is used to measure distance from Earth to stars?
9.     Why is it hard to notice the motion of stars?
10.  Why do stars appear to move?
11.  What is spectrum?
12.  What is a black hole?
13.  What is an elliptical galaxy?
14.  What is spiral galaxy?
15.  What is a red giant?
16.  What is a supernova?
17.  What is a white dwarf?
18.  What is a neutron star?
19.  What is a pulsar?
20.  Mention characteristics of open clusters.
21.  Mention Characteristics of globular cluster?
22.  What are Quasars?
23.  What is a comic radiation?
24.  Describe the Big Bang Theory.
25.  What does gravity cause in a Nebula?
26.  What is a solar Nebula?

27.  Draw a spiral galaxy.                                         28.  Draw an elliptical galaxy.








29.  Draw an irregular galaxy.






30.  Mention the characteristics of each one of them.


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