sábado, 3 de junio de 2017

Final Exam Guide 1 Grade Sec. 1 Literature Active 1

Final Exam Guide

*House Rooms.
*Different readings to answer the questions.

*Study the different vocabularies and the drawings that we did during the clases, and the last exams.

Final Exam Guide 1 Grade Sec. II Literature Reading Keys 1

Final Exam Guide

* Antonyms
* Too much / many, Enough / not enough
* Collocations
* Undestanding the Main idea
* Suffixes
* Prepositions
* Recognizing parts of speech ( nouns, verbs, and adjectives)

*Different Readings

Remember to study not only from the Notebook if missing notes on it, but to study from the Book all the chapters review, and your previous exams.

Final Exam Guide 1 Grade Sec. V - VI Science Human Body

Final Exam Guide

Unit 1: Body Organization and Structure.
Unit 2: Circulation and Respiration.
Unit 3: The Digestive and Urinary Systems.

Remember to study not only from the Notebook if missing notes on it, but to study from the Book all the chapters review, and your previous exams.

Final Exam Guide 2 Grade Sec I Science Environmental.

Final Exam Guide

Unit 4: Environmental Problems and Solutions.
Unit 5: Energy Resources.

Remember to study not only from the Notebook if missing notes on it, but to study from the Book all the chapters review, and your previous exams.

Final Exam Guide 2 Grade Sec II Science Environmental

Final Exam Guide

Unit 4: Environmental Problems and Solutions
Unit 5: Energy Resources.

*Also study the charts and drawings that we saw during the clases, and the last exam.

Final Exam Guide 2 Grade Sec V Use of English Solutions

Final  Exam Guide

Simple present and Present Continuous contrast 
Past simple and Past Continuous Contrast 
 Relative Pronouns 
Verbs list 
Compararatives and Superlatives 
Question Tags 
Present Perfect simple and Present Perfect Continuous contrast 
Reported Speech 
Passive Voice 
In - on - at 
Past Perfect Continuous 
Past Perfect 
Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

*All That we have already seen during the year.

Final Exam Guide 3 Grade Sec. VI Literature Collections 8

Final Exam Guide

*Different Readings.
*Different Exercises.
*Answers the questions.

Final Exam Guide 3 Grade Sec. III - IV Literature Reading Keys 3

Final Exam

*Future tense review.
*Past Tenses.

*Different Readings and answer the questions.

Remember to study not only from the Notebook if missing notes on it, but to study from the Book all the chapters review, and your previous exams.

Final Exam Guide 3 Grade Sec. VI Social Americas

Final Exam

* Caribbean Islands
* Caribbean South America
* Atlantic South America
* Brazil
* Argentina Uruguay and Paraguay

Remember to study not only from the Notebook if missing notes on it, but to study from the Book all the chapters review, and your previous exams.

Final Exam Guide 3 Grade Sec. VII Science Astronomy

Final Exam

Unit 4: A Family of Planets
*The Nine Planets.
*The Inner Planets.
*The Outer Planets.
*Small Bodies in The Solar System

Unit 5: Exploring Space.
*Rocket Sience.
*Artificial Satellites.
*Space Probes.
*People in Space.

Remember to study not only from the Notebook if missing notes on it, but to study from the Book all the chapters review, and your previous exams.

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Criterio de Evaluaciòn Junio 1-2-3 Años


Exam:           70%
Classwork:    30%
Total:          100%

Contenidos de Junio 1 Grade Sec. I. Literature Active 1

Unit 6: The Olimpics.
*Vocabulary about sports.
*Different exercises.
*Choosing the Olimpic City.
*Reading: Unusual Olympic Sports.

Contenidos de Junio 1 Grade Sec II. Literature Reading Keys 1

Unit 11. The Car is King.
*Reading: Segway.
*Grammar: Future.

Unit 12: Incredible Journeys.
*Recognizing parts of the speech.
*Reading: My Journey to Lhasa.
*Grammar: Auxiliary Verbs.

Contenidos de Junio 1 Grade Sec. V - VI Science Human Body

Unit 4
Communication and Control
Section 1: The Nervous System
Section 2: Responding to the Environment.

martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Contenidos de Junio 2 Grade Sec I - II Science Environmental

Unit 5
Energy Resources.
Section 2: Fossil Fuels.
*Coal Formation.
Section 3: Alternative Resources.
*Atoms Fission.
*Atoms Fusion.

Contenido de Junio 2 Grade Sec. V Use of English. Solutions

*Review of all the topics
*Combine Tenses.
*Passive Voice: All tenses.
*Exercises of passive voice (Notebook)
*Reported Speech.
*Exercises of reported speech.
*Friday Exercises.

Contenido de Junio 2 Grade Sec. VI Literature Collections

Unit 6
* Teens need Jobs, not just cash.
*Reading: Auschwitz.
board and notebook.
*Brain storm among class

Contenidos de Junio 3 Grade Sec. III - IV Literature Reading Keys

Unit 13: Ethical Trading
*Fairtrade - a success story.
*Phrasal Verbs.
Unit 14: A Small World.
*Enjoy the vacation of a lifetime.

Contenidos de Junio 3 Grade Sec. VI Social Americas

Unit 5
*Brazil Today
Section 3:
Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Contenidos de Junio 3 Grade Sec. VII Science Astronomy

Unit 5
Chapter 2: Artificial Satellites.
Chapter 3: Space Probes.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Bitacora 1 Grade Sec I Literature Active. May


*The Olimpics
*Sport Drawings

Bitacora 1 Grade Sec II Literature Reading Keys. May


Unit 10
*Is money the answer
*Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
*Too much/many, enough/not enough

Bitacora 1 Grade Sec V - VI Science Human Body. May


*Drawing Urynary System.
Section 2
*The Urinary System
*Chapter Review

Bitacora 2 Grade Sec I - II Science Environmental. May


*Vocabulary Fossil Fuels.
*Topic: Fossil Fuels
*Drawing: Petroleum and Gas.

Bitacora 2 Grade Sec V Use of English Solutions. May


*Grammar exercises.
*Combining Tenses.
*Active Voice.
*Passive Voice (9 Different Ways)
*Exercises of Passive Voice

Bitacora 2 Grade Sec VI Literature Collection 8. May


*Toefl Reading Exercises.
*Evaluation Exam (English Levels)
*After Auschwitz

Bitacora 3 Grade Sec III - IV Literature Reading Keys. May


Unit 11: What makes us laugh?
*Have you heard the one about...?
Unit 12: Private lives of comedians.
*Charles Chaplin
*Pronouns and determiners.

Bitacora 3 Grade Sec VI Social Americas. May


Unit 5 Atlantic South America.
*Physical Geography.

Bitacora 3 Grade Sec VII Science Astronomy. May


*Small Bodies in the Solar System
Unit 5: Exploring Space
*Rocket Science

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Evaluation Criteria - May - All Grades.

Evaluation Criteria

Classwork:         50%
Speaking:           20%
Attitud:               20%
Homework:        10%


Bitacora 1 Grade Sec I Literature Active. April


*The Bald Eagle.

Bitacora 1 Grade Sec II Literature Reading Keys April


Unit 9
The Secret of Success
*Simon Cowell
*Salma Hayek.
*Past Continuous

Bitacora 1 Grade Sec V - VI Science Human Body April


Chapter 3
The Digestive and Urinary System.
*The Digestive System.

Bitacora 2 Grade Sec I - II Science Environmental April


Chapter 4
Environmental Problems and Solutions.
*Environmental Problems.
*Environmental Solutions.
Chapter 5
Energy Resources
*Natural Resources.

Bitacora 2 Grade Sec. V Use of English Solutions. April


*Combinings tenses
*Past Perfect
*Past Perfect Continuous.
*Tag Endings.
*Review of all the Tenses.

Bitacora 2 Grade Sec VI Literature Collections 8 April


*Toefl reading exercises
Readings 6: The Value of Work.
*The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
*One last time.
*Biography of Mark Twain

Bitacora 3 Grade Sec. III - IV Literature Reading Keys April


*Modals and semi-modals.
Unit 10. Animals in Traditional Stories.
*Past Tense Review

Bitacora 3 Grade Sec VI Social Americas April


Caribean South America:
*Physical Geography
*Venezuela and the Guianas

Bitacora 3 Grade Sec VII Science Astronomy April


The Nine Planets
The Inner Planets.
The Outer Planets.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Guia Temática April Literature Reading Key 1. 1 Grade Sec. I

Literature Study Guide for April. Reading Key. 1st section I

Personal Information
(Preguntas sobre información Personal).
Vocabulary House or Home
(Casa u Hogar)
Readings - Notebook.
(Lecturas - Cuaderno)

Guia Temática April Literature Reading Key 1. 1 Grade Sec II

Literature Study Guide for April. Reading Key. 1st section Il


* The secret of success:  Identifying time order
                                      Vocabulary: Guessing meaning from context
*Is money the answer?: Skimming
                                     Vocabulary: Antonyms

Guia Temática April Science Human Body 1 Grade Sec. V - VI

Science Study Guide for April. Human Body. 1st section V and VI

Chapter 2 Section 4: The Respiratory System.

Pag 44 - 47.

Chapter 3 Section 1: The Digestive System.

Pag. 58 - 64.

Study Notebook notes.

Guia Temática April Use of English Solutions 2 Grade Sec. V-VI-VII

Use of English Study Guide for April. Solutions. 2nd section V, VI and VIl

Present Continuous
Past Contunuous
Simple present
Simple Past
First Conditional
Relative Pronouns
Used to
Verbs: Present, Past, Past participle
ING or Infinitive.
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous.

Guia Temática Literature Collections 8. 2 Grade Sec. VI

Literature Study Guide for April. Colletions 8. 2nd section Vl

Lectures to review for the exam:

1. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (collection 6, page 395)
* Writer background
* Text reading

2. One Last Time (collection 6, page 405)
* Writer background
* Text reading
Reading strategies to show understanding:

* Scanning for main ideas
* Comprehension questionnaire
* Sequencing of events
* Vocabulary in context
* True or False statements
* Identifying numbers

Guia temática April Science Environmental 2 Grade Sec. I

Science Study Guide for April. Environmental. 2nd section l

Chapter 4.- Environmental Problems and Solutions

Section 1.- Environmental Problems
* Pollution and pollutans
* Sources of pollution: Garbage (hazardous wastes) / Chemicals (CFCs - PCBs)
   High-powered wastes / Gases / Noise
* Renewable and nonrenewable resources
* Deforestation
* Exotic species
* Overpopulation
* Biodiversity
* Two effects of pollution in humans

Section 2.- Environmental Solutions
* Definition of Conservation and examples
* Definitiona and examples of the three "Rs": Reduce / Reuse / Recycle
* Biodegradable
* Maintaining biodiversity: Protecting habitats and species
* Five environmental strategies
* Definition on Endangered Species Act
* Definition on EPA
* Five "What can you do?" strategies.

Guia Temática April Science Environmental 2 Grade Sec. II

Science Study Guide for April. Environmental. 2nd section ll

Chapter 3.- The Earth's Ecosystem

Section 2.- Marine Ecosystems
* Plankton
* Ocean temperature: Surface / Thermocline / Deep zones
* Intertidal / Neritic / Oceanic / Benthic zones
* Estuary
*Coral reef
* Sargasso sea
* Polar ice

Section 3.- Freshwater Ecosystems
* Definition and diagram of freshwater ecosystem elements:
   Stream / Spring / Tributary / River / Pond / Lake
* Littoral / Open-water / Deep-water zones
*Wetland: Marsh / swamp

Chapter 4.- Environmental Problems and Solutions

Section 1.- Environmental Problems
* Pollution and pollutans
* Sources of pollution: Garbage (hazardous wastes) / Chemicals (CFCs - PCBs)
   High-powered wastes / Gases / Noise
* Renewable and nonrenewable resources * Deforestation
* Exotic species
* Overpopulation
* Biodiversity
* Two effects of pollution in humans

Section 2.- Environmental Solutions
* Definition of Conservation and examples
* Definitiona and examples of the three "Rs": Reduce / Reuse / Recycle
* Biodegradable
* Maintaining biodiversity: Protecting habitats and species
* Five environmental strategies
* Definition on Endangered Species Act
* Definition on EPA
* Five "What can you do?" strategies.

Guia Temática April Literature Reading Key 3. 3 Grade Sec. III - IV

Literature Study Guide for April. Reading Keys 3. 3rd sections lll and lV

1.     Unit 9 – Are animals intelligent?

·         Inferring the meaning

·         Synonyms.

·         Modals and semi-modals.

·         Book pages 64 to 69.

2.     Unit 10 – Animals in traditional stories.

·         Skimming

·         Guessing meaning from context

·         Past tense review

      ·         Book pages 70-77

Guia Temática April Social Americas 3 Grade Sec. VI

Americas Study Guide for April. 3rd sections Vl

Caribbean South America 
Physical Geography 
Venezuela and the Guianas

Guia Temática April Science Astronomy 3 Grade Sec. VII

Astronomy Study Guide for April. 3rd sections V, Vl and Vll

1.     Chapter 4 – A Family of Planets.

·         Section 1 – The Nine Planets

·         Section 2 – The Inner Planets

·         Section 3 – The Outer Planets

·         Section 4 – Moons

·         Section 5 – Small Bodies in the Solar System

                        ·         Book pages 92 to 123.

sábado, 25 de febrero de 2017

Bitacora Febrero *Literature 1 Grade Sec 1*


Unit 4: Money and Budgets
page 49

Chapter 1: A Student Budget
Pages 50 - 53


Diferentes lecturas
-Reading Comprehension-

Bitacora Febrero *Literature 1 Grade Sec II*


Adverbs of Frequency.
Page 41


Unit 6 Crazy Criminals
Page 42 - 48

Page 47

Notebook and Book.

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Bitacora Febrero *Science 1 Grade Sec. V-VI*


Chapter 2: Circulation and Respiration.

Section 2: Blood.
Pages 36 - 39.

Section 4: The Respiratory System.
Pages 44 - 47.

- Notebook and Book -

Drawings and Topics.

Bitacora Febrero *Literature 2 Grade Sec. VI*


Review of the last novels.

The Dairy of Anne Frank
Page 279.

From the Diary of a Young Girl
Page 355 - 365.

- Toelf Reading Exercises -

Bitacora Febrero *Use of English 2 Grade Sec. V*


Grammar Points:

Modal Can.
Modal Could (past)
Modal Could (future)
Modal Must
Necessity exp: Need to - Have to - Ought to.
Relative Pronouns.
Gerund (ING) or Infitive (TO) verbs.

Review of last topics.

Friday Exercise.

Verbs in Present - Past - Past Participle.

- ENGLISH FAIR: Topics, Characters, Teams, etc. -

Bitacora Febrero *Science 2 Grade Sec. I-II*


Chapter 3: The Earth's Ecosystems

Section 3: Freshwater Ecosystem.
Pages 64 - 67.

Chapter 4: Environmental Problems and Solutions.

Section 1: Environmental Problems.
Pages 76 - 83.

- Notebook and Book -

Bitacora Febrero *Science 3 Grade Sec. VII*


Chapter 3: Formation of the Solar System.

Section 4: Planetary Motion
Pages 80 - 83

Chapter 4: A Family of Planets

Section 1: The Nine Planets.
Pages 92 - 97.

- Notebook and Book -

Bitacora Febrero *Social 3 Grade Sec. VI*


Central America
Pages 62 - 67

The Caribbean Islands
Pages 70 - 75

Caribbean South America
Pages 80 - 85

- Notebook and Book -

Bitacora Febrero *Literature 3 Grade Sec. III-IV*

Playing with Nature:

Unit 7: Do you like what you see?
pages 49 - 55
Grammar points: Articles

- ENGLISH FAIR - Topics, teams, characters...etc

Criterios de Evaluación Febrero. Examen Semestral 1-2-3 AÑOS



EXAMEN:            70%

FINAL:               100% 

domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

Guia Temática Literature 2Grade Sec VI

Tell Tale Heart
Scary Tales.
What is the horror genre?
Anne Frank´s Legacy

Guia Temática Literature 1Grade Sec I

Verb Tobe
Verbs in Past
*Personal Information*

Guia Temática Literature 1Grade Sec II

First Grade        

Unit 7: Childhood memories

Guia Temática Science 1Grade Sec V-VI

Chapter: Circulation and Respiration
Sec 1: The cardiovascular system
Sec 2: Blood

Guia Temática Science 2Grade Sec I

Chap:  The Earth´s Ecosystems
Sec 1 Land biomes
Sec 2 Marine Ecosystem
Sec 3 Freshwater ecosystems

Guia Temática Science 2Grade Sec II

Chap: 1 Interactions of Living Things
Sec 1 Everything is connected
Sec 2 Living things need energy
Sec 3 Types of interactions
Chap: 2 Cycle in Nature
Sec 1 The cycle of matter
Sec 2 Ecological succession
Chap: 3 The Earth´s Ecosystems
Sec 1 Land biomes
Sec 2 Marine Ecosystem
Sec 3 Freshwater ecosystems

Guia Temática Use of English 2Grade Sec V

Prepositions of Time
Frequency adverbs
Present Continuous
Past Contunuous
Simple present
Simple Past
Relative Clauses
Used to
Verbs: Present, Past, Past participle

Guia Temática Literature 3Grade Sec III-IV

A.      Study from your book from Unit 1 to Unit 6.  
B.      Study from your notebook notes.
C.      Study from previous exams 
D.      Present Perfect 
E.       Comparative sentences
F.       Conjunctions
G.     Relative Clauses
H.      Relative Pronouns

Guia Temática Social 3Grade Sec VI

Early History of the Americas
The Maya
The Aztec
The Inca
Central America:
Physical Geography

Guia Temática Science 3Grade Sec VII

A. Study from your book from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3, from page 2 to 72.

B.      Study from previous exams


Chapter 1 - Studying Space:

·         Section 1 – Astronomy: The Original Science

·         Section 2 – Telescopes

·         Section 3 – Mapping the Stars


Chapter 2 – Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

·         Section 1 – Stars

·         Section 2 – The lifecycle of stars

·         Section 3 – Galaxies

·         Section 4 – Formation of the Universe


Chapter 3 – Formation of the Solar System

·         Section 1 – A Solar System is born

·         Section 2 – The Sun: Our Very Own Star

sábado, 28 de enero de 2017

Criterios de Evalucion Enero

Project:            30%
Homework:     10%
Speaking:        20%
Classwork:      40%

Total:             100%