domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Guia Temática April Science Environmental 2 Grade Sec. II

Science Study Guide for April. Environmental. 2nd section ll

Chapter 3.- The Earth's Ecosystem

Section 2.- Marine Ecosystems
* Plankton
* Ocean temperature: Surface / Thermocline / Deep zones
* Intertidal / Neritic / Oceanic / Benthic zones
* Estuary
*Coral reef
* Sargasso sea
* Polar ice

Section 3.- Freshwater Ecosystems
* Definition and diagram of freshwater ecosystem elements:
   Stream / Spring / Tributary / River / Pond / Lake
* Littoral / Open-water / Deep-water zones
*Wetland: Marsh / swamp

Chapter 4.- Environmental Problems and Solutions

Section 1.- Environmental Problems
* Pollution and pollutans
* Sources of pollution: Garbage (hazardous wastes) / Chemicals (CFCs - PCBs)
   High-powered wastes / Gases / Noise
* Renewable and nonrenewable resources * Deforestation
* Exotic species
* Overpopulation
* Biodiversity
* Two effects of pollution in humans

Section 2.- Environmental Solutions
* Definition of Conservation and examples
* Definitiona and examples of the three "Rs": Reduce / Reuse / Recycle
* Biodegradable
* Maintaining biodiversity: Protecting habitats and species
* Five environmental strategies
* Definition on Endangered Species Act
* Definition on EPA
* Five "What can you do?" strategies.

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